Specializing in fashion, NSA been responsible for buying over $100,000,000 worth of media with multiple brands across national and international, programatic and traditional platforms. Now, it's critical that media planning is integrated into digital and physical plans seamlessly so that the brand story can be told across all touch-points.
Engaging across digital, social, influencers, programatic, outdoor, guerrilla/alternative and print, we are one of the most strategic and effective media relations agencies across the fashion and lifestyle industries.
NSA offer a guarantee to lower costs (without loss of premium positioning) compared with any existing media buying agencies, due to exceptional personal rates, industry knowledge, contacts and client biased margin setting. If we cannot achieve this, we will not take your business.
NSA have special, long-standing relationships with many media owners across the U.S and Europe giving us access to rates up to 90% off rate card.
Our goal is that you receive the most strategic, personal media planning support offered by any agency, that saves money and time, yet still does it's job of building visibility and excitement around your brand.